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We’re here to assist you in the present moment, but what about the future?

The moment you create an Easy Capital Access account, you gain exclusive access to discount coupons, financial education courses, and a financial assistance tool. These complimentary benefits can aid you in saving on bills, enhancing your budgeting skills, and receiving employment assistance, among many other valuable offerings.

Learning Your Basic Rights For Debt Collection

Starting With The Basics Of Debt Collection   If a debt collector contacts you, it is in your best interest not to avoid the situation but to face it willingly, which keeps your anxieties at bay because you’re not running away from the problem. If you choose to...

Factors That Prove Bitcoin Has A Negative Impact On The Environment

Did you know that Bitcoin consumes the same amount of energy and generates the same amount of electrical waste as a medium-sized country? For a very long time, Bitcoin's (BTC) significant environmental impact has been challenged. Some argue that switching to renewable...

India Announces Plan For Launching Digital Rupee Currency

India is becoming the latest country joining the surge to create state-funded virtual currencies starting with launching a digital version of the rupee currency and taxing cryptocurrency profits. The central bank of India plans on introducing the digital currency...

This Is How Long You Should Keep Your Financial And Tax Records

Determining How Long To Keep Financial Records There are a lot of different factors to consider when deciding how long to keep your financial and tax records. The IRS has guidelines for how long you should keep certain types of documents, but they're not always...

Binance To Create Crypto Industry Recovery Fund And Calls For Regulation

The Crypto Industry has started facing more criticism than ever before since the bankruptcy of FTX. Binance has, in turn, called for more regulation and vowed to create a crypto industry recovery fund. CEO of Binance, Changpeng Zhao, was speaking at the G20 leaders’...

Reasons You Are Having Trouble Achieving Financial Independence

During the pandemic, the idea of sustaining “financial independence” gained serious traction. This is because the time out of work for many caused the realization of what could be possible if you could just live off of your assets and did not constantly have to...

Cryptocurrency Tax Software – Your Crypto Tax Guide

Cryptocurrency has become a popular investment option in recent years, with many people choosing to buy and sell digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. However, as with any investment, keeping track of your gains and losses for tax purposes is...

The Key To Achieving Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE)

Achieving Financial Freedom With FIRE   FIRE (financial independence, retire early) is a goal for many — especially those who have recently started saving for retirement. This article will explore FIRE's what and why and offer some tips to achieve it.   What...

How The Blockchain Can Impact All Lives

You have likely heard about blockchains and how they power cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Blockchain technology is more than a foundation for digital currencies. This decade-old tech can be used for various applications to significantly and positively impact our...

Why Economic Downturns Are the Ideal Moments to Take a Risk

It can be devastating to be laid off from a job. The reasons for unemployment vary, but the impact is always the same. It makes you feel powerless and hopeless. You have yet to determine how long your joblessness will last or if finding a new position will be...


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